by kwwong



ZYG app for zyg daily operation.-Ordering->Ordering system used by project team to order items for project->Require managers to approve before submitting to store to prepare the item->After request is added notification will be send to targeted users to notify them for the request ( including approval, rejection, sending)->All task/ order that is completed will be kept in the system-Monitoring->allow users to record the amount of project material received from supplier come with uploading delivery order and document into servers->allow users and management to trace project material consumption and compare to the budget quantity givenEquipment->allow maintenance teams to trace machine maintenance record for each machine and upload new maintenance report after finish their job->allow maintenance teams to keep trace on hour meter of each machine (hour meter will be updated after maintenance team key in the new reading)->allow maintenance teams to scan qr code from the machine to identify the machine Daily checklist->allow machine operator to do daily checklist base on requirement given by the maintenance team->maintenance teams will receive message / notification once operator reported machine brake down (operator can submit sound, text, image message to the system)->allow operator to scan machine qr code attached to each machine to do the checklist (each machine will have different checklist)Progress->Daily project progress reporting and project material monitoring